Film Lambeth
Film Lambeth is the film office for Lambeth Council. The team provides a high-level service for managing filming and photography on behalf of the council. All professional filming and photography on council land or public roads is licensed by us.
We offer a one-stop service for managing all filming activities. We will take care of your requests with internal departments such as Traffic Management, Highways, Parking, Housing and Leisure. We liaise with the Metropolitan Police, resident and trader associations to ensure filming is managed safely, ensuring a smooth and professional filming experience. We provide expertise and offer guidance as we have several sought after locations; Albert Embankment, Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, Brockwell Park, to name just a few.

How We Work
Providing an end-to-end film coordinating service is the hallmark of what we do as Film Lambeth. From managing the interactions with related parties including Transport for London as well as internal departments, enabling a successful filming shoot within the borough.
We can provide expertise on suitable locations, traffic management including road closures, parking bay suspensions and highways permits.
Please submit your application request via the Lambeth FilmApp website. Ensure you read all relevant guidance and protocols on this website.

Film Locations
Lambeth's filming locations include many exciting places which are popular for filming. From the South Bank's iconic views to classic streets and estates to landmarks, we will have the ideal location for your shoot.
Lambeth has several areas of public parks and gardens which offer some tremendously breath-taking filming options.

How To Apply
Please contact us for all your filming proposals and queries on
We will contact you to discuss this further with specific insight into your needs so that we can comprehensively meet your requirements.